Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Canada Memoir #2: Viva la nudite!

When I saw this image I was reminded of an experience that I had back in the summer of 1990 with my best friend K. We'd planned a month long trip through New England and eastern Canada. Around the end of the second week we pulled into a public campsite in Quebec. It had been a very long day of driving from our previous campsite on Lake Champlain in Vermont, and after setting up our tent, we were looking for a place to freshen up before cycling into the nearest town in search of dinner.

K. asked me if I saw any place to change. Looking around, I noticed two families in an adjacent site (dads, moms, and little children) just returning from the camp's pool in swimming clothes. Before I could divert my glance, both fathers shucked off their trunks in broad daylight for all the world to see. I turned to K. and said, "I really don't think it matters where you decide to change."

When in Rome (or Quebec), eh?

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