Saturday, September 05, 2009

What I'm Listening To #59

Lester Young was nothing short of a genius. A veritable everyman who lived by the beat of his own drum. He coined the most ubiquitous slang phrase in the entire English language, "Cool." I'm not joking here, he's the father of COOL! Swell, groovy, bad, phat...let's face it, they're all "cool" wannabes, and come and go as they do, cool remains on the throne of it's own utter coolness.

It's kind of like Lester Young's music. In the vain of John Coltrane, Young enbraces a melodie with his saxophone like the serpent around the sensual body of Eve in the Garden of Eden. You feel that you are not so much listening to music as witnessing love making. And it's so cool, you don't even have a reason to feel ashamed.

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