Saturday, October 10, 2009

What I'm Watching #211

"Giorni," or "Days," is an Italian film made in 2002. This is key to its major theme: living with HIV.

It's the story of Claudio whose days are punctuated by the annoying buzzing of the alarm on his wrist watch announcing the times when he must take the next does of his anti-retroviral pharmacopeia. In spite of his infection he works out and has a great body, holds down a stable and supportive (if boring) job at a bank, has n HIV(-) long-term companion, and maintains healthy relations with his emotionally distant mother and sister. Enter the one-night-stand.

Andrea remakes his world. From chance encounter to torrid affair, he rattles every fiber of Claudio's world. In the end there are casualties and questions of morality that find no comfortable resolutions. It's a thought-provoking film.

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