Thursday, November 26, 2009

By Any Other Name...A Kiss, Is Just A Kiss

Seems that that is not always true... I just heard about the recent kafuffle over a kiss planted by Adam Lambert on the lips of another man during the recent AMA awards on TV. Where the hell to begin?

For everyone like me who doesn't give a rat's ass about the AMA awards OR policing the act of kissing (!), please tell those who do, that the world has not ended! --The sun continues to rise, the rain continues to fall. God has apparently not seen fit to smite His wicked children because of a kiss OR the AMA awards! Grace triumphs yet again...or does it? How is this different from any other day, God fearing or Godless?

How is this kiss any different from any other? From the kiss between Madonna and Brittany? or Will and Jeda? or myself and Josh? or you and any other person whose lips you wish to touch with yours (or tongue with your tongue for that matter)?

Kisses happen all the time and for all sorts of reasons. Pretending that they don't is ignorant. Shielding this fact from our children is an exercise in futility. Judging others for their kiss-choices is small minded, petty, and pathetic. Believing that any God condemns any act of caring, tenderness, or passion that is given between consenting adults is blasphemous.

If you don't like something, don't DO IT! Live your life for you! Let others discover their lives with the same freedom of choice and dignity. And judge NOT, lest you be judged some glad morning....

1 comment:

  1. I know...
    Sometimes I just want to tell people, "Get a hobby..." Obviously they have too much time on their hands.
