Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mid-November Gardens #1

With most of the flowering things finished and even the leaves mostly fallen from their branches, there are still things to witness. Take this terra cotta pot. I've had it for three years, and it's never "become" a member of the plant world, in spite of housing a collection each season.
Then I happened to take it off of the deck a month ago and set it on the moss encroached brick circle path where I forgot about it for a couple of weeks. Eventually I moved it up to the deck rail and within the last two weeks, it has turned these incredible shades of green as moss begins the process of colonizing it's furrowed surface. Isn't it beautiful?

And while most of the flowers are done, this odd little yellow nasturium has only just begun! And what an exotic little creature it is, too. When I study the blossoms, I am reminded of the flamboyant Chinese dragon costumes that celebrate the new year and sometimes guide the spirit of the dead toward their heavenly home in funeral processions.

1 comment:

  1. A beautiful post.
    You take good pictures, Randy.
