Saturday, November 07, 2009

Parting Shots: My Gardens In November

This brilliant red geranium is from a plant in a planter at my back door. It's velvety redness has been a delight all summer.

In a large pot in my herb garden, another geranium blooms amidst parsely, basel, and rosemary.

The pineapple sage (aromatic herb) that I planted along the backyard walkway is finally blooming. A member of the salvia family, the crimson flowers are trumpet-like and demanding of a probiscus, while insects with such aparatus are rarer and rarer these days. Very curious.

Like Monet's gardens in France, the cooler weather has caused my nastursiums to explode in cascades of octagonally divided leaves and pantagonally petaled blossoms in burgundy red and banana yellow. All edible and peppery to the taste a la watercress.

I'm using this close-up as my current screen background on my computer.


  1. Great garden shots, Randy.
    I am trying to coax a couple of little plants I carted back from the temple market last week.

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