Sunday, November 15, 2009

What I'm Watching #218

Caught this amazing film this afternoon with my friend Kimeo. I expected to be the only white guy in the theater, and I wasn't disappointed, but for the record there were three white women who joined me in a see of African Americans. I tell you this because when people tell you that we are not a racist society, they didn't try to see "Precious".

Precious is nothing short of an amazing film. It plays out with an honesty and vigor that rarely attaches to a film about relationships, let alone a film about women, not to mention that the film is about black women. So many strikes against it, and it so triumphs. It demonstrates the utter depravity of human nature beat nearly to death by the realities of our society, and the resilience of the human spirit pushed to the fringe, yet offered hope.

I loved this film. If it goes down to ignominy at the academy awards, then it is dissed at the peril of the entire movie industry and we are condemned to one insipid movie after another. For my buck: Best Actress: Mo'nique; Best Supporting Actress: Mariah Carey, Best Director: Lee Daniels.

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