Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Art I'm Owning #6

Some of the art I own is my own. I've already shared how I'm a quilter--and proudly so. I also paint in watercolor.

Here's a male nude that I painted back in 1991. It was when I was working on the human form. I thought I did a pretty good job, and then I showed it to my friend Susan. She seemed impressed with it, yet when I next encountered her current boyfriend, he siddled up to me to ask about the nude painting I'd made of a woman.... Oh bother, I guess I didn't quite get the chest...but honestly the abs, the genitals?


  1. I got it.
    Right away.

  2. Randy!

    This looks pretty good!

    Sure the shadows could've been strengthened near the chest and genitals *ahem* but it's definitely all male!

