Monday, December 28, 2009

Lego Factory Series #15

As Rocky Squirrel was famous for saying..."And now, for something completely different!" Clearly I'm in a manicly creative mood with both the time and means to make something of my energies! And here I've built a modernist office building for my Lego City.
It's five stories of minimalist wonder. The street level features a clothing store complete with a set of four window displays. To enter the lobby you need pass under the two story tall portico past the sculpture. The elevator shaft is real and opens to all five floors.
I was inspired by two buildings. The first is an office building on the corner of Georgia and Wayne Avenues in Silver Spring, Maryland, and the second is an apartment complex on North Charles Street just north of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. The latter was designed by the noted German architect, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, who famously coined the line, "Less is More." (And, who less well known, was also responsible for the ubiquitous aphorism, "God is in the Details," but I digress.) Still an empty shell, I look forward to renting out the interior and outfitting it to meet the needs of the clientel? Who knows, an architect? an ambulatory care facility? an ad agency? an insurance company? Interested parties should contact me directly for square footage rates and design specs....

1 comment:

  1. FANtastic! That's a great building. And, I love that the elevator actually goes to all the floors. Now THAT's being creative with your blocks.

    Sign me up for a nice office space for me and my dog. Just a quiet place for reading, writing, and planning my next adventure.
