Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter Wallop of Ought Nine #4

@ 4:00 PM I yardsticked 16 inches, and yet the changes on my deck seem almost subtle between 4:00 and 1:30, the 16 inches and 13.5. The Weather Channel claims that this is the greatest one day snow total since 1926 in December. That I can believe, but it still hasn't quite risen to the depths of the February 1996 storm. Although it's still coming down with gusto!

The second view of the front of my home gives a better sense of the snow in scale to the house.

And the day was spent on the inside making a pot of beef vegetable soup. The aroma fills the house! I begin by cutting the stew-sized cubes of lean beef into bite-sized morsels that I flour, brown using olive oil, and simmer for about 30 minutes on medium low . In a soup pot I bring 3 quarts of water to boil with two beef boullion cubes and 6 scallions chopped into quarter inch sections. When the beef is done it goes into the water with a little salt and freshly ground pepper, I dissolve the skillet browns with some water and add that, as well. Next I chop and add in this order, 3 carrots, 2 yukon gold potatoes, a bag of fresh green beans, a bag of frozen white corn, a bag of frozen petit peas, and two cans of diced fire roasted tomatoes. Everything is organic. Set to simmer and let gently cook for a couple of hours to infuse the flavors. More salt and pepper to taste or not as is your taste.

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