Saturday, January 02, 2010

I Did It!

Kind of like Giancando in the movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" when he summoned up the courage to insult the Holy Roman Emperor as he entered the town of Perugia is for me the summoning up of the courage to once again start from scratch with a new computer. Today I bit the bullet and bought an iMac 27-inch 3.06GHz with 6GB memory. It's kind of like going from the "Wizard of Oz" to "Avatar" to keep the movie references going.

The guys at the little Mac Store in the woods in Gaithersburg out by NIH were practically beside themselves with enthusiasm as I neared the moment of the actual purchase. It was almost creepy how they looked at me when they shook my hand--like a kid brother who'd only beat off until now, and now he was going into the tent of the hottest madame in the oasis. Having spent 30 minutes working with it...I get where they were coming from!


  1. It's a beauty. Happy computing.

  2. Happy New Year, Randy!!


  3. Lindy ~ Thanks!

    Dean ~ Happy New Year! to you, too!
