Sunday, January 31, 2010

Marriage is a Civil Right

The church can bless whomever they want. Who really cares anymore? The meat of Marriage is in the civil rights and responsibilities it conveys. The Iowa State Supreme Court gets this. The Legislatures of New Hampshire, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont get it. The City Council of Washington, D. C. gets it. Even the Coquille American Indian Tribe in Oregon gets it.

When will the majority of men and women of goodwill finally come to get it? What will it take? A tragedy and travesty like this one in Missouri?

What does it matter to anyone anywhere who anyone anywhere marries? Who among us knows with certainty the status of all of our neighbors, cares one way or the other, or is in any way harmed by this?

To me, the whole thing is just a way for some small minded people to wheeled power over others. And the pretense that somehow such acts of love and commitment would offend or anger God only demonstrate how backward and ignorant some people still are when it comes to God. Rather than a rallying point, such views should be seen as pitiable at best and blasphemous at worse. For a fallen, corruptible, finite being to spit in the face of a God who is marketed as having unconditional love and demonstrating grace (which is by definition forgiving beyond natural human limits) is simply such a contradiction in terms as to be patently atheistic on its face.

Either God is or isn't. You can't tell the world that God is a God of unconditional love and then support a theology of rules and systems that have limits and end.

Yet, here we are. And here those religious among us remain to support and rejoice in injustices like this one in Missouri.

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