Saturday, January 16, 2010

"You Can't Always Get What You Want, But....You Get What You Need"

Like some blast from the past I happened upon these photo- graphs tonight. The man in the white shirt and I had a lovely fling back in the Spring of 2005 when he was living in D.C. and studying English.

The spoken language may have been a challenge, but the ability to communi- cate was not an issue. He's a little bunny, and I know that, which is why I was so content to simply connect, even if for only a little while. Every encounter is a gift, and his gifts to me were so generous.

Here he's leading a symposium on body painting--his art form--in Singapore. Seeing him again reminds me just how good life is.

In fact, the photo of me on this blog was taken by him during that affair.

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