Saturday, February 27, 2010

Evgeni's World

What's an olympics without some controversy? In this case the website posting of Evgeni Plushenko featuring his "platinum" (versus Silver) medal at the Vancouver Olympics. The image which was up on his official site, is not gone. It's been replaced by an article that reads:

[Reports Tuesday said a picture of the Olympic silver medalist's latest prize was labeled "platinum of Vancouver" on Plushenko's official Web site. His medal from the Salt Lake City Games was properly identified as silver. But agent Ari Zakarian said no one had authority to do this "stupid thing," and Plushenko himself was not aware of it.

There were no labels beneath the pictures of Plushenko's three Olympic medals as of Tuesday afternoon. The Russian also has a gold from the Turin Olympics.

"It's absolutely a mistake. Evgeni has absolutely no idea about this. Absolutely no idea," Zakarian said. "Nobody from our team is awarding a platinum medal."

Plushenko just wants to move on, Zakarian said, and incidents like Tuesday don't help.

"Of course he's sad. He wanted to do his best," Zakarian said. "But it's past, it's done and he's looking forward to the next competition. This is history. It's over."]

Of course, it was HIS official website. And someone with access to it, did it, but there no mention of responsibility, OR accountability. But hey, if he and his coach hadn't both made whiny comments after the competition, no one would have taken this incident seriously in first place. Just sayin'.

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