Friday, February 05, 2010

Here We Go Again!

With temps that were above freezing at first, the snow that started falling at 11 AM, didn't start sticking until 1 PM and not to the roads until about 3 PM. Here at 8:30, I have about 5" and the pace is steady. Around 11 PM it's supposed to crank up to an average pace of 2" per hour, possible 3" with certain bands of heavier snow. This will continue for around 10 hours, before moderating. Then it will continue to snow throughout tomorrow for an additional 5" to 7" before ending. A grand total of 16" to 24" has been replaced by a 20" to 30" inch range. Only time will tell.

Here's a night shot of my St. Francis statue. The old boy is donning quite a mantle and miter! If all the predictions come to pass, he should end up a lump on the blanket of white that will cover the yard. The december storm left him buried to his neck and I recorded a total snowfall here then of 19". Keeping in mind that last Saturday we got 8" and this past Tuesday 5".

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