Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Theme?

I seem to have stumbled upon a little pre-Valentine's Day theme: The Condom!

Back in 1990 during my first visit to Europe, I stayed with a friend of a friend in Amsterdam for a week. On one the first tours of the city he took me by the Condomerie. The first and only store dedicated to the sale of condoms. It was something that he was very proud of and bespoke the wonderfully liberal ethos of his chosen home town. At that point having had no real exposure to or need for the little rubber "gloves", I found the visit silly.

But in all fairness, it's a real place that still exists today, and offers a wide variety of product both real and novelty. Imagine the look on your lover's face with Bart Simpson jumps up to great him or her...OR speaking of jumping, how about an adorable kangaroo? Especially fair dinkum for when you crack onto your special Aussi Sheila or Bloke.

Some even come wrapped like lollipops. Flavored lollipops....mmmm banana!

They have a website that even includes a helpful guide on how to size the most appropriate condom for you!

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