Tuesday, February 09, 2010

What I'm Watching #229

"Firefly" is a science fiction series that made is debut and demise in 2002. My friend T. turned me on to it. I have watched the first 4 episodes. It had potential, but without the pre-requisite blockbuster audience, nothing that could have been realized.

Science fiction is really hard to make. With the end of series like Star Trek (Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager, and Enterprise), Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, and Farscape, it's really REALLY hard to be original. EVERYTHING Is derivative. The challenge to me seems to be how to make compelling episodes with futuristic scientifically based plot twists and lines that don't just devolve into space soap opera. That's where Babylon 5 failed, and to some extent Battlestar Galactica.

Moot point as it is, the jury on this is still out for me regarding Firefly. It's not only trading on the Sci-Fi cliches at this point, but also stealing liberally from cowboy flicks and Kung Fu pics! When does too much deriving become ridiculous? Or can it create something original in its multi-breeding? My God, that's like a freaking metaphor for the United States on the cusp of our first census of the new millennium.... CHA!

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