Tuesday, March 02, 2010

I Now Pronounce You Spouse & Spouse!

The Supreme Court's Chief Justice John Roberts has today rejected a request from opponents of gay marriage to put on hold a new law that allows same-sex couples to wed in Washington, D.C. And so we are minutes away from the District of Columbia issuing marriage licenses for any two people who what to assume the rights and responsibilities of marriage. My God, how hard is this to get behind? Has Pat Robertson...er, I mean God, sent a hurricane to destroy Iowa? Has an earthquake leveled Massachusetts? And cloud of locust or frogs descended upon Connecticut? Honestly, when will this nation grow up and act like rational adults instead of superstitious hoodlums who arrogantly find there personhood in their need to defend an omnipotent creator's reputation as if God was an absentee parent and we a planet of latch-key children?

No wonder more and more people doubt God's existence. Instead of providing any sort of transcendent witness to their faith, most Christians, Moslems, and to a lesser extent Jews, spend their energies showing the rest of us just how small and tribal and mean-spirited believers are. Am I wrong?

And so here in D.C. a long disenfranchised group of citizens is just about to get the opportunity to participate in the civil fabric of the community on par with the majority, and what is the response to this wonderful act of grace from the most powerful religious presence in the jurisdiction? I'm speaking of the Catholic Church. As of Tuesday, the church will no longer let employees of its Catholic Charities add spouses to their health care coverage. Well, now, won't that make Jesus feel like his horrendous death on the cross was worth the pain and sacrifice? I mean why else accept a torturous twisted death than to now allow more innocent people to suffer and die prematurely?

How does any organization committed to love and grace act more essentially evil or wicked? Does anyone get this?

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