Saturday, March 20, 2010

One Politician's Pride In Healthcare Reform

In 2007, New Mexico had 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats in the United States Congress. As of the November 2008 elections that changed to 5 Democrats. And with that change has come 5 supporters of Healthcare Reform legislation. While some politicians cower and struggle to find the courage to support this landmark beginning to an America where everyone has both the right and the means to access healthcare, Representative Martin Heinrich of New Mexico's 1st congressional district has chosen to stand up and stand proudly behind his vote tomorrow. I'm proud to count him among the politicians I support. Here's the heart of the email that I received from him today.
Dear *******,

In New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District, over 15,000 residents with pre-existing conditions and thousands of working families and small businesses stand to suffer if we don’t pass health care reform tomorrow.

As I write this, a battle is waging in the halls of the Capitol Building. Insurance companies are doing everything in their power to prevent reform and protect their profits.

I believe we have a moral obligation to pass this bill. When you see the numbers below, I think you will agree. Please forward this on to your friends, co-workers and family that have doubts about needing to reform our health care system.

Thank you for all you do,

Martin Heinrich

What Health Insurance Reform means for New Mexico’s 1st Congressional District.
~ Improves health care coverage for 374,000 First CD residents that already have health insurance.
~ 178,000 families and 14,700 small businesses will receive tax credits or other assistance so they can afford health insurance.
~ Closes the Medicare “donut hole” and improves Medicare coverage for nearly 100,000 seniors.
~ 81,000 uninsured residents will have access to health coverage.
~ Protects 900 families from health care related bankruptcy.
~ 57,000 young adults will be able to stay on their parents’ insurance plans until their 26th birthday.

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