Sunday, March 07, 2010

What Price? How Do We Take Charge?

I read this article tonight about Bengal Tigers in the New York Times and it's opening question is chilling to me: "Could this Chinese Year of the Tiger be the last one with actual tigers still afoot in the world’s wild?"

When I was born in 1961, a quarter of million Bengal Tigers enjoyed the wilderness of India and indochina, and now as I experience my 50th year of life on earth, they are rapidly falling toward extinction. How can this be? It saddens me to the core...which is to say, it saddens me to be a member of species that is responsible for this evil.

How is THE God of creation supposed to respond to such a complete miss-matched obliteration of a member of that God's creation? Thankfully, I don't believe in God. Otherwise, I'd live in fear and trepidation every day of my life.

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