Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yes, Massa, Yes!

Okay, I have to admit that I'm bearly paying any attention to this one. SO, this first term Democratic Representative from an up-state Republican leaning New York district whom I sent 20 bucks to has now resigned because he grabbed someone's balls, but NOT in a sexual way....


What an ASSHOLE. Ex-military, he's clearly a closet-case. And all I got to say is: DUDE, you're GAY. Deal with it or lie about it, but don't play halvesie's with it. Cause the TRUTH will always out you...and then you get what you deserve: A sack of shit for a Lying-Sack-of-Shit. Too bad I can't get my 20 spot back for a false advertising bill.

Good riddance.


  1. The daily show and Colbert Report both made fun of him... Stewert even got to pick on Glen Beck in the process...

  2. Well, Glen Beck is a freak. And I mean that in the loving way one feels gracious toward any megalomaniac with macro-narsacistic ego dysphasia syndrome: a.k.a. one-twisted-puppy-Itis. OR anyone willing to kiss the greater good good-bye in favor of their own mortal notoriety.

    An additional thought on Massa. I realized after posting that the reason his "situation" was so upsetting was that it reflected a view of homosexuality that I simply cannot stomach, and that I'd wishfully hoped would have died with the 2K computer scare back at the beginning of the 3rd millennium. Call me an idealist.
