Friday, April 02, 2010

Six Early Bloomers

In my previous visits of emerging plants in the Spring of my gardens I have shown what various plants look like as they first appear. Now, some of them are blooming! And here's a quick tour of six of them! And I follow with a great shot of the epimedium sulphureum in bloom, too.

Periwinkel Vinca major in a border enmeshed with English Ivy.

Marsh Marigold Caltha palustris competing with the May Apples and a Bluet that never blossoms. I should extract it.

Celandine Poppy Stylophorum diphyllum

Bluets Houstonia caerulea

Deep pink and white Bleeding Hearts Dicentra spectabilis just starting to reach their glory.

Wild Violet Viola soroia soroia has been identified as an invasive species in some circles, but honestly it's no Hawk Weed or Dandy Lion. In fact, it's the wild "sister" of the ubiquitous pansies and violas filling greenhouses and nurseries this time of year. I love them. This one is surrounded by a form of sedum.

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