Monday, May 03, 2010

Benny Does The Shroud Bate And Switch... And I Ain't Buying It

from a caption below this photo in the New York Times: Pope Benedict XVI on Sunday prayed before the Shroud of Turin, which he described as an “extraordinary icon” with a compelling message.

Is this guy for real? Honestly, I'm flabbergasted.

He drags out some freaking old rag with stains on it and asks a billion people to focus on the rag and not the fact that he actively ignored dozens of priest who fucked little boys and some little girls, at times on the very altars of the holy church, and why? That's WHY? Can anyone answer me?

Is it, as I suspect, because the Catholic Church as an institution is more important than any of it's members? That the reputation of the institution superceeds any of the particular "sins" committed against its most vulnerable members by it's most perverse? WHAT the HELL kind of RELIGION is this? It's so screwed up, that it can't even tell truth from perversion anymore.

In the end, it's the best testament to the idea that their is no God. Because how could any God worth her or his powers back this theology unless she or he were simply a sadist? You explain to me that, and I might even consider joining your ranks. Cheers.

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