Monday, May 31, 2010

Pride Month Begins

What a propitious transition! Monday ~ Memorial Day: Tuesday ~ GLBT Pride Month Begins!

And all of this in the year when the ban on being yourself in the military is about to end. Because lets be honest: GLB and, yes, even T, people have and are serving in our military. I know a wonderful women who is a decorated Viet Nam War veteran. She attended my church back when I was on the vestry there. Her courage and strength saved the lives of over a dozen soldiers when their helicopter was shot down. The only thing: they knew her as a man, and I only know her as she is.

Granted, that's a more unusual example, but why not imagine the extreme in setting this injustice right? It's no different than giving the right to vote to 18 year olds because they were being sent by elected officials to serve and die in the same war in Indochina. When you require someone to participate in the responsibilities of society like paying taxes, you should automatically include them in the rest of the rights of society. The right to serve their nation in its armed services, for example, when those armed services are a voluntary privilege of those who are both citizens and those who merely aspire to citizenship.

Otherwise, for the want of a feeling that someone else's proclivities toward sex and mating are not like yours, you would rather accept a citizen of a foreign nation to protect your civil freedoms. Honestly, how fucked up is that?

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