Saturday, May 15, 2010

RIT Men's Lacrosse Up-date

Okay kids, the Tigers of RIT (Rochester Institute of Technology) won the Division III, Empire 8 league championship and drew a bye in the NCAA Division III round one play-offs. They played a higher ranked Connecticut College today in round two of the play-offs at Connecticut and sent them packing (well, walking) back to their dorms with an 11-9 victory that also qualifies them to play the quarter-final round on this Wednesday. This is such big shit for these guys and being sucked into it via my colleague M.'s son Ryan, and can honestly say that this is sport at it's innocent, fundamental, amazing best. RIT is the underdog in this tournament, and by shear will of belief in themselves, they've managed to advantage themselves over opponents with superior records in this season.

And I'm NOT forgetting the power of M.'s cupcakes to inspire!

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