Thursday, May 06, 2010

Same Sex Marriage/Union Up-Date

The state of the unions of same sex couples in the world.

Tier 1 ~ Marriage can be obtained in: Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden. In national sub-units like in the United States: Connecticut, the Coquille Native American Tribal Reserves (Oregon), the District of Columbia, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont; in Mexico; the Federal Capital Zone.

Tier 2 ~ Same Sex Civil Unions are legal and can be obtained in: Andorra, Austria, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, Luxembourg, New Caledonia, New Zealand, Slovenia, Switzerland, Wallis & Futuna, the United Kingdom, and Uruguay. In national sub-units like in Argentina: Buenos Aires, Rio Cuarto-Cordoba, Rio Negro Provence, & Villa Carlos Paz; Australia: Canberra, Tasmania, & Victoria; Mexico: Coahuila; the United States: California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, & Wisconsin; Venezuela: Merida.

Tier 3 ~ Additional rights for same sex couples are afforded in, Brazil, Croatia, Israel, & Portugal.

And now this! Argentina is on the verge of joining the nations in Tier 1. How amazing and wonderful is that!?

From the Washington Post: Argentina just moved one step closer to legalizing gay marriage today when the Argentine House of Deputies approved same-sex marriage by an “ample margin… and sent the legislation for consideration in the Senate,” President Cristina Fernandez has promised not to veto the measure if it reaches her desk.

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