Sunday, May 02, 2010

Truth Telling: Illegal Immigration

URGENT ALERT: My conscience can no longer stand it. In the present climate of immigration-hysteria I have to turn in the following people to the Feds for immediate deportation and repatriation to their home countries. NONE of these people had papers or even visas to allow them to enter the United States! I am ashamed that they are my relatives....

~ Samuel Maycock, born in England, entered illegally in 1618 via the port of Jamestown, Virginia.
~ Richard Pace, born in St. Dunstan Parish, Stepheny, England, entered illegally in 1620 via the port of Jamestown, Virginia.
~ Isabelle Smyth, born in St. Dunstan Parish, Stepheny, England, entered illegally in 1620 via the port of Jamestown, Virginia.
~ Thomas Scudamore, born at Mayhill, Westerleigh in Gloucester, England, entered illegally in 1634 on the coast of Massachusetts, at a place to named Cambridge.
~ Agnes Lawrence, born in England, entered illegally in 1634 on the coast of Massachusetts, at a place to named Cambridge.
~ James Train, born in Scotland, entered illegally in 1688 via Monie Hundred Plantation, Mary Land.
~ Temperance Weatherly, born in Scotland, entered illegally in 1688 via Monie Hundred Plantation, Mary Land.
~ Antonius Jacobus Henkel, born in Mehrenberg, Germany; entered illegally in 1703, port of entry unknown.
~ Maria Elizabeth Dentzer, born in Birkenau, Germany; entered illegally in 1703, port of entry unknown.
~ Johann Adam Biebel, Born Goersdorf, Alsance, France; entered illegally in 1758 via the port of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
~ Maria Eva Margaretha Müller, Born Goersdorf, Alsance, France; entered illegally in 1758 via the port of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
~ Heinrich Esch, born in Blessenbach, Germany; entered illegally in 1750 via the port of Philadelphia.
~ James Henry McHaney, born in County Cork, Ireland, entered illegally in the 1880’s, port of entry unknown.
~ Emil Otto Sperling and Nancy Ann Pollard, born in Gunbinnen, Germany, entered illegally in the 1890’s, port of entry unknown.

I confess now my association with these illegal aliens in light of the burden that I have born low these many years and as a consequence of the current atmosphere of righteous indignation being expressed by ignorant, small minded, self-centered, shitheads in places like Arizona.

The good news? None of these people is likely to put up a fight or stage a protest, the dead rarely do.

1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree. I've always stated that this is a country that was built on immigration.
