Saturday, May 22, 2010

What I'm Watching #238

Pedro Almodóvar is one of Spain's best known directors, and he's gay which makes his ouvre of interest to me. This film was made in 1987 in a world without computers, and at a time when Antonio Bandares was more than willing to play a homosexual, homicidal psychopath with scenes depicting full frontal nudity and lots of hot steamy man on man sex. It was a simpler time.

But not even the eye candy can stave off the sour taste of this lemon. Honestly, the movie didn't make any sense. It was impossible to tell whether it was even a comedy or melodrama. And granted, unlike spanish language films shot in say, Mexico, or Argentina, or even Cuba; those made in Spain seem to always feature dialogue rattled off at an alarmingly impossible rate to follow. Yet, I'm confident that I got enough of it to keep up with the gist of the plot, such as there was one. For a student of Almodóvar, I suppose the option to this skip this film isn't really there, for everyone else...count your blessings.

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