Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The kids peeled away from school around noon today with their usual gusto and malaise over entering into the world of unbridled and ill define "summer". There is no way to rate the comforting power of the routine that the school year gives to so many children.
That said, I'm looking to my own 'vacation' with a personal goal: a summer with the smallest carbon footprint possible. One way I plan to achieve this is to stay home and focus on quiet pursuits. Things like writing poetry, tending my gardens, and painting. I want to cultivate an appreciation for the abundance I have been given.

I used to paint a lot. I have some amazing watercolor paintings that I executed back in the early 1990's that I honestly can hardly even imagine were done by me.

Here's a lame first attempt to work in the medium again. Sad, but not devoid of all potential....time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Maybe you're just trying to be humble but I think it is kind of nasty of you to say the painting is lame. If somebody else had painted it would you be so mean? Maybe you would...
    I think the word 'lame' is a value judgement and not very helpful when experiencing someone's creative effort. I believe in critique (I have a great relationship with my own inner critic) but I think critique is helpful when it is specific. A sweeping "lame" tends to cut off rather than encourage learning and progress.

    I don't like the choices offered for making a comment here. So I pick Anonymous but I tell you in this note that I have written to you via Facebook already. I am Carole.
