Monday, June 28, 2010

Watercolor 101: The Rose 04

Ta-Da! Or it is what it is.... There are dozens of things, of moments, that I would have taken back; and there are a dozen or so more that surprised me in a way that I could not have foreseen or planned; and in the end it simply is what it is.

And know I remember why I love watercolor so much ~ it's a metaphor for life. You can't take anything back once it's been done. If you allow your regrets to be your focus, the image will never be finished, and you'll never see the wonderful things that your choices and chance have actually made. You give it your best shot, and you learn to let go.

If I could choose the three things that mean to the most to me they would 1) contour, 2) contrast, and 3) color. Oh yeah, it also really helps when others believe in you, too.

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