Tuesday, June 15, 2010

World Cup 2010.1

The tournament is going smashingly! In the first 14 matches, 6 have ended in ties! That's got to be some sort of record. And the most talked about matches are the ties! US vs UK, SA vs MEX, FR vs URU....even Italy and one of the lowest seats, New Zealand. This may be the year in which the next round is not defined by wins but by stalemates.

And of course there are the amazing photographs. Such raw athleticism! Even relatively mundane moments like this one are wonderful to behold! And do you care to guess which two nations are represented by these two players?

Would it help in any way to know that their surnames are "van der Weil" and "Poulsen"?

These are Dutch and Danish futbollers! When these homogeneous "faterlands" are championed by sienna skinned sons of immigrants and colonial off-spring on the world stage, can world unity be far behind?

Soccer as harbinger of global social revolution? Why not!

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