Sunday, July 04, 2010

Casualty Count: Our War on Terrorism

This map depicts two things. 1) The cities with the highest casualties of soldiers since the beginning of the war on terrorism back in 2001. 2) The states with the highest casualties so far in this 10th year of this war.

The Cities

The top ten are in Red and the rest in Rose. They are the U.S. cites with at least 10 service members who have died. In Red they represent a range from 20 to 46. When the numbers are the same, the city/ies with the lessor population/s come first.

Top Ten

46 Houston, TX
43 San Antonio, TX
34 Los Angeles, CA
27 San Diego, CA
26 Brooklyn, NY
23 Fort Worth, TX
23 Phoenix, AZ
21 Tucson, AZ
21 Miami, FL
20 Baltimore, MD

Next Highest from 19 to 10

19 Las Vegas, NV
17 El Paso, TX
16 Virginia Beach, VA
16 Tampa, FL
16 Jacksonville, FL
16 Philadelphia, PA
16 Chicago, IL
15 Orlando, FL
15 Austin, TX
14 Columbus, GA
14 Columbus OH
14 St. Louis, MO
13 Fayetteville, NC
13 Albuquerque, NM
13 Oklahoma City, OK
13 Portland, OR
13 New York City, NY
12 Cincinnati, OH
12 Pittsburgh, PA
12 Mesa, AZ
11 Colorado Springs, CO
11 Tacoma, WA
11 Honolulu, HI
11 Long Beach, CA
11 Tulsa, OK
11 Buffalo, NY
11 Bronx NY
10 Vancouver, WA
10 Knoxville, TN
10 Dallas, TX

The casualty rate for 2010 sets the U.S. on a path to best both 2009 and 2008 casualty totals. The year is still young, but there's nothing in the tea leaves for prognosticators of the war to suggest that things are winding down. Given that, the states that have experienced the greatest number of casualties in 2010 are in descending order with states which have smaller populations listed before those with larger populations when the numbers are the same.

1st ~ Texas
2nd ~ Florida
2nd ~ California
4th ~ Tennessee
4th ~ New York
6th ~ Georgia
6th ~ Michigan
6th ~ Pennsylvania
9th ~ Virginia
10th ~ North Carolina
10th ~ Kentucky

These are all just facts. Do with them what you will, but remember that behind the numbers are lives lost. Lives that represent another 10, 20 or 100 lives of the people who live in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc. The VAST majority of which deserved to live as much as our brave service people.

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