Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lego City Rehab

Here's my latest work. It's actually a building that I first constructed in December of 2008, and was over time terribly disappointed in.

In it's original form, it was built to fit a corner lot AND a 16 x 32 rectangular plate. At 3 stories tall, it was just too ambitious and always felt awkwardly thin and top heavy.

In redesigning it, I placed it on a more standard 32 x 32 peg plate, and I reduced it's depth by one brick. This was really key in making it a much more solid structure. The original dimensions included a even brick count width with an odd brick count depth. This difference really impacted the brick choices that I had to develop a pattern that would be both strong and versatile. The new configuration made standardizing the construction so much easier and gave the entire structure a much more secure and solid final outcome. With all my buildings, it is modular and can be separated into 4 parts including the roof. Stairs give access from one floor to another, and I will be finishing the street level with a pizzeria. The first and long sought after for my Lego City which already has an American Diner, a Chinese Restaurant, a French Cafe, an American Cafe, a Vegan Restaurant, and an ice cream parlor. I treat my little plastic people right!

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