Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer Recipe

I found this kick-ass brand of pearl (or if you will municion) pasta. La Moderna is a product of Mexico that I buy at a local non-affiliated Asian grocery store.

The cooked pasta is so light and perfect for a wonderful Tabouli salad. One package of municion cooked and combined with the following:

6 sprigs each of fresh parsley and cilantro
3 inner leafy celery stalk tops (the more leaf, the better)
2 European cucumbers (whole, do not peel)
15 or so grape tomatoes, partially dehydrated
1/2 of a large Vadalia onion
extra virgin light olive oil to drizzle
1 large lime squeezed for the juice and then pulp (not the skins) added to the mix

All the ingredients are chopped and tossed together with a little kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add the pasta, drizzle with olive oil and combine, finish with lime juice and pulp and toss.

A note, I really love to buy the containers of grape tomatoes and place in the back of my fridge for about a month or so. They don't get moldy on me, they rather dehydrate like raisins and they are awesome in salads of all kinds. Their flavor is richer and sweeter in this state.

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