Friday, July 16, 2010

Yes, Virginia, THAT Was An Earthquake!

Forgive my exuberance over a mere 3.6 quake, but it is the strongest quake ever recorded in the state of Maryland. It's epicenter was practically under neath the school where I work, which is also an area designated by the USGS as a virtually 0% probability for earthquakes. Just goes to show you that the planet never got the memo from the USGS!

When the quake occurred I was awake, laying in my bed. I live above New Hampshire Avenue, and it's common to have these huge trucks fly down the hill and have to brake hard at the light. Their efforts to stop literally rattle my windows. So at first I thought it was a truck, then I thought, "damn, that's a BIG truck!" Then I got ready for the truck to join me in my bedroom! And then it was over...10 seconds of rumbling and rattling.

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