Sunday, August 22, 2010

Simple Sunday Dinner

Open faced English muffins with a side of sauteed spinach.

Take a multi-grain Thomas' English muffin and add in this order, honey mustard, avocado slices, prosciutto, grated sharp cheddar cheese. Place in toaster oven (or conventional oven set to 450˚) for approximately 3 minutes to melt the toast and toast the prosciutto. You can nix the prosciutto for a vegan option, but if you do I recommend adding freshly ground black pepper on the avocado before the cheese.

The spinach is just baby spinach in a bag washed and tossed into a skillet with hot olive oil, chopped garlic, and kosher salt. Let the water that is on the leaves when you washed the spinach enter the skillet, too. Not extra water, just the water on the leaves even if they're dripping when you transfer them. Toss all of it in the skillet and then once mixed, cover and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes. After 2 minutes flop the cooked spinach on the bottom over with the leaves still on the top. Remove from the heat and squeeze the juice of a fresh lemon over the whole. Serve immediately. i.e. don't leave it in the skillet to cook longer, you don't want to eat mush.

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