Friday, October 01, 2010

The Trevor Project

When you find yourself in a burning house, what do you do?

If your smart to find a way out, you seek help with every fiber of your being, you run, you jump, you shout!

There is a house burning all around us. It is the house of homophobia. A house designed to eradicate a perceived pestulence that is being gay, or lesbian, transgendered, transexual, even bi-sexual or queer. And in the past month we've seen the carnage that this fire reeks upon the lives of teenagers. I for one am angry and outraged by it. But I need more. I need to move beyond my rage and discover an avenue that is redemptive. The victims deserve no less a memorial.

Enter The Trevor Project:

As we remember the recent children who choose death over hope, let us build a way for their brothers and sisters to discover hope and discover their full potential, to experience the wonder and possibility of life beyond the dark night of their young souls.

RIP: Cody Barker age 17 of Appleton, WI; Billy Lucas age 15 of Greensburg, IN; Justin Aaberg age 15 of Anoka, MN; and Asher Brown age 13 of Houston, TX and Tyler Clementi age 18 of Ridgewood, NJ. Each teen killed themselves in the past couple of weeks after the taunts and harassments, the beatings and belittle-ings became more than they could bear. Don't let their deaths be in vain, join me in supporting The Trevor Project or some other resource committed to showing our GLBTQ children a path to a bright future.

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