Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What I'm Watching #256

With the transition back to standard time coming so late in th autumn as to have little effect on the light I experience in the morning and harsh results with the darkness falling upon me in the evening, it's time to hibernate. Time to draw in and snuggle down and leave the world of the exterior for the world of the interior.

To that end, I have pulled out my complete DVD collection of the series "My So Called Life" which first appeared on ABC back in 1994-1995. There are only 19 episodes, and I plan to watch them between now and the New Year.

Tonight it was the pilot: A tour de force of teenage angst, parental conflict, and youthful insights, confusion, desire, and exuberance. The strengths are in its vulnerabilities. And the insights overwhelm me.

One Gem.

ANGELA CHASE: "My mother's adopted. For a while, she was looking for her real parents. I guess that's what everyone's looking for."

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