Monday, January 03, 2011

The War On Terrorism 2010 Redux

The map depicts the number of soldiers who died by state in the past year while serving in efforts tied to the War On Terrorism. They are Black when the number matches or passes the number of deaths in that state in the previous year. Of the 50 states, 33 are black in 2011.

The death toll of 559 surpassed last year by 79 deaths from 2009, and 70 from 2008. June, July, and August were the 3 deadliest months of 2011. The total death toll since September 11, 2001 is 5,841.

Looking at death by states illustrates the energy around the media reporting of deaths. In 2011, the top 10 states were from highest down:

1. Texas - 46
2. California - 45
3. Florida - 33
4. Illinois - 25
5. Ohio - 23
6. Pennsylvania - 23
7. Tennessee - 21
8. Georgia - 21
9. New York - 20
10. Michigan - 18

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