Saturday, January 01, 2011

What I'm Watching #261

Plan B is a film by Argentine director Marco Berger. It traces the mischievous plan of one Bruno is his attempt to infiltrate and confuse his ex-girlfriend's (Laura) new boyfriend (Pablo), with the goal of winning back her affections (even though the two continue to have sex while she is with her new boyfriend, Pablo). The plan is predicated on the assumption that Pablo is bi-sexual, something he once told another former lover in hopes of impressing her liberal sensibilities, but which is not true. As straight boy courts straight boy, a sincere friendship develops and in the end the various lovers loose their interest in one another and all that is left is the unrequited desire between Bruno and Pablo...or is it? Unrequited, that is!

Plan B is actually a fairly straight forward, if somewhat convoluted story that may sound like a farce, but is played out with a much more nuanced and steady hand. Director Berger gives you a lot of time between moments to ponder what is going on the heads of the characters, something of which they themselves are not often certain.

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