Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Art I'm Seeing #56

One of the great things about the internet culture in which we live is the ability to experience ideas, images, even conversations with a diversity of people that we would never have been able to meet otherwise. For me, discovering artists is one of those great things. My friend B. turned me on to the art of Karin Jurick of Atlanta. She undertook a project of mini-portraiture taken from police mug shots. It's been an amazing journey to watch. Here are 12 of her 100 portraits, each painted in oils on a 4 by 4 inch "canvas".
From top to bottom and left to right they are portraits numbered and painted in this order: #1, #16, #24, #25, #54, #65, #77, #83, #85, #90, #96, & #100. I only wish I had paid close enough attention to this project to have purchased one of them. The personality that comes through is in every stroke of brush and choice of color. It was a wonderful choice of project and it produced an amazing cadre of art.


  1. Hi My name is Marilee. I know girl right, like who cares....I found Dean in Blogs of note. Anyway He showed that cute seahorse you made. I loved it!!!! Anyway, I had to just meet the creator. So hi...
    Went through a bunch of your old blogs, funny, interesting, insightful...some just plain hmmmmmm. Had a Blast!!
