Saturday, February 19, 2011

What I'm Reading #34

As a kid, I always felt like I struggled with math in school. I one time imagined myself as an architect. But the idea of the math completely dashed that dream along with nice, average math teachers in middle school who were so lost in the pointlessness of their own lives that they could never have inspired mine. The killer was the one and only demi-god of all things mathematical (Mr. MacMillan) who in high school quickly convinced me that I was not only a mathematical imbecile, but that the only way to even measure as a bleep on his radar was to be as much of a total bastard as he was.

As a teacher, he's my anti-Christ!

As an adult, I LOVE all things mathematical. The ideas are like puzzles that both challenge and bring meaning to me. I am often complimented for my mathematical logic. And I am comfortable with this mantle--even proud of it. So imagine my surprise when a little book of geometrically designed monsters comes along and makes me feel like I'm back in 9th grade Algebra 2 with Herr MacMillan!?

This book is a delightful demon of mathematical dimensions. Unlike the kid who was so easily convinced of his inability to learn by a teacher who's own ego convinced him that it was his job to arbitrate the futures of his students rather than inspire them, I look forward to spending time discovering what magic expresses forth from these monsters.

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