Sunday, February 06, 2011

What I'm Watching #268

The third film of today's marathon is from Sweden. "Patrik, Age 1.5" is a really good film. I confess I've only seen two other Swedish films in my life, both very competent, but neither one a Romance or a Comedy, and so the prospects of a Swedish Romantic-Comedy on a Gay theme really caught my attention. It must be something about the quality of the light....the need for vitamin D or something....

What you are led to believe is that you are going to see a film about a gay couple who thinks that they are going to adopt a 1.5 year old, when in fact they have been chosen to take on a 15 year old with a juvy record--All manor of high jinx to ensue. At least that's the film I thought I was going to see. The film that actually appeared was far more complex and nuanced, with little romance and less comedy, but a whole lot more interesting and satisfying in the end. To modify the only axiom, "You can't judge a film by its trailer," but rarely does that mean you get a better film than the one promised. It must be something about the quality of the light.... I would definitely put this one on your Netflicks list, and I will also be exploring other opportunities to experience the acting of both Gustav SkarsgÄrd and Thomas Ljungman.

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