Thursday, March 17, 2011

Prairie-Western Mountain/Valley Orb: The Mammals


The primary biome in the Prairie-Western Mountain/Valley Orb is the Prairie. It encompasses all of the primary orb, the adjoining deck and approximately 19% of the smaller binary orb. The three Study centers are located within this biome. A Center for the Study of Geothermal Systems features a functioning geyser that blows off a pillar of steam at regular intervals throughout the day. Three raised wildflower meadows are accessible to all the inhabitants except the large herbivores.

The pedestrian underpass between the two decks feature a study center on either side. One center focuses on the study of subterranean mammals like prairie dogs, ferrets, gophers, moles and voles. The other center studies bats of North America.

The waterfall feature is loosely based on the Falls Creek Falls in Idaho.

Each of the wildflower meadows features a different medley of flowers representing diverse collections of native wildflowers.


The second biome in the Prairie -Western Mountain/Valley Orb is the Valley. The valley occupies approximately 38% of the lesser of the two orbs making up the binary enclosure.

The valley biome is a arid western pine forest similar to this image from the Rocky mountains in Colorado.

The focus of the western mountain valley is a modest pack of gray wolves.


The third biome in the Prairie-Western Mountain/Valley Orb is the Mountain which occupies 43% of the eco-system's lesser binary orb. It features a cave system that is home to a flock of Pallid Bats.

The waterfall feature is based upon the Seven Falls cascade of Colorado Springs, Colorado.

The topography is designed to mimic this rocky arid mountain ridge in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.


  1. I just came across this blog via a google image search. I actually took that muskrat photo back in 2010. Glad you were able to use it!

  2. Wow! What are the chances? Thank you. I like to fiddle with ideas. Cheers.
