Sunday, April 24, 2011

East African Savanna: The Mammals

The largest off all the orbs opens with the largest number of mammal species in my zoo: 30. They run a wide range of orders and include most of the ubiquitous African species. Two exceptions are Lions and Elephants. The African Lion will have an orb dedicated to it in a nearby section of the zoo. The decision not to include the African Elephant was based upon the enormous amount of upkeep these animals require, not least being their proclivity to rip things apart as part of their natural curiosity and foraging activities. A separate orb dedicated to the African Elephant has been proposed, and is on the drawing boards for a possible future phase of expansion.

The Cheetahs and the Black Rhinoceros are sequestered in areas of the orb separated by natural water features and elevation. They will be able to interact with other species most notably the design encourages the Savannah Baboons to reside near to the Rhinoceros as they often do in the wild.

Associated with this orb are three researched based study and exhibition facilities dedicated to the species of the Rhinoceros, the Hippopotamus, and the Cheetah respectively. The Hippo center includes underwater observation facilities to allow visitors to experience the animal in both terrestrial and aquatic settlings.

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