Friday, July 22, 2011

What I'm Watching #273

"Fashion Victims" is a German film billed as a comedy. Really? This is what makes Germans laugh?

It's an outsized story of a beer swilling, inflexible and pathetically wimpy, patriarch who has mismanaged his life away and spends the time we're together in the movie alienating his wife and degrading his son. Now, I know, this stuff is just Comic manna! I mean how can it fail to be anything but funny, right? And yet it does, I swear I didn't even giggle.

The crux of it's redemption is the role of the son, Karsten, played by up-and-coming heartthrob, Florian Bartholomäi. (The slightly out of focus man on the right. The actor on the left is Roman Knizka) Not only is he beautiful, but he manages somehow to navigate this ridiculous film and end up it's redeemer.

Not a must see, but a could see and survive.

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