Saturday, August 27, 2011

Aquarium Update

To recap, I started an aquarium back on June 2nd and introduced its first residences on the 4th. I started with 3 zebra danio, 4 harlequin raspboras, a pair of sunburst platties and a brilliantly aqua blue male betta. All was well for the first couple of weeks and then calamity. I introduced a small rainbow shark and 3 cherry tetra. Within no time the plague had broken out. In the end all of the cherry tetras, the rainbos shark, two of the zebra danio, the betta and the male sunburst platty were dead. The world of the survivors was very reduced.

A week later I introduced another pair of the sunburst platties and a frenetic little chinese catfish. I wasn't terribly impressed with the knowledge of the sales person and as it turned out the platties were both female, however; they both bonded quickly with my surviving female and the three of them seem to keep one another in merry company. All remained stable, so later in the week I added another male betta, this one with a rosy pink/red body and blue fins. For the past 6 weeks all has been quite harmonious.

Today I purchased 3 more zebra danio to give my little lone survivor a school to attend. As it turned out the sales girl sold me 4 for the price of 3, something I didn't realize until I got home and prepared to release them into the community. Watching them tonight, they all seem to be doing well. Here's hoping!

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