Saturday, August 06, 2011

Mother Nature Doesn't Live NEXT Door....

Okay, remember I live on the very edge of the District of Columbia in a tree filled suburban area WELL WITHIN the capital beltway. So what do I discover when I step onto my backyard deck? Just about anything!

The other day I was running the sprinkler and as it swept the yard it dowsed my Japanese Maple where, after watching Mr. Cardinal use the spray and the wet leaves to take a "bath," Ms. Catbird jumped into the crown of the tree and did likewise! I love my birds.

Today it was these two beautiful little fawns, no mother in sight.

They are standing inside my backyard. Just beyond the fence you see and down a steep embankment are the 6 lanes of New Hampshire Avenue! I assume the doe left them in my yard thinking them safe while she foraged on the bank of the hill. Although, it's also entire possible that they are not siblings. The one on the right is noticeably larger and usually there are two to four doe that visit my yard as a group. I've never seen a buck in all the years they've been around. So this winter, will I have SIX DEER! to contend with? Oh, my.

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