Monday, September 05, 2011

Earth Postage Stamps--Definitive Postage Continued

Two more definitives to add to my Earth Stamp collection of National Parks.

To recap:

1¢ - Ujung Kulon National Park, INDONESIA
2¢ - Canaima National Park, VENEZUELA
3¢ - Hwange National Park, ZIMBABWE
4¢ - Urho Kekkonen National Park, FINLAND
5¢ - Grand Canyon National Park, UNITED STATES
6¢ - Alonissos Marine Park, GREECE
7¢ - Sinien National Park, ETHIOPIA
8¢ - Marojejy National Park, MADAGASCAR
9¢ - Fiordland National Park, NEW ZEALAND
10¢ - Masaya Volcano National Park, NICARAGUA

And now...

11¢ - Hingol National Park, PAKISTAN
12¢ - Tubbatha Reefs National Park, PHILIPPINES

Many more to come in this world of ours filled with amazing natural wonders and the inklings of wisdom to preserve.

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