Monday, October 31, 2011

Just Sayin'

Just had a great encounter at Tick Tock's. When I was waiting to pay for my purchase I noticed the cashier who's from Tinidad watching Herman Cain on some TV news show explaining his present predicament, and I said to him, "Don't you love it when they try to explain away their past?"

And he said in a flat, I've-seen-it-all-before monotone, "It should be no surprise."

Then one of the two middle aged black women dressed for church in line behind me added, "If it smells like a rose, and it looks like a rose..."

"The sucker is a rose," I finished with a grin. We all laughed, and then old Herman starting in singing about Jesus on the TV.
The same woman said, "What on earth is he doing now?"

And I said, "I don't know, but I'm glad he has Jesus, 'cause he's gonna need him before all this is said and done!" More laughter, and well wishes all around before we went our separate ways.

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